What is third party content?
Third-party content on a website means material or information that is developed by an outside party.
This content can take various forms, such as blogs, graphics, articles, social media posts, or videos, and it is credited to someone else who is not the website owner or operator.
For example, when you display ads provided by advertising networks or other companies on a website, those are considered third-party content.
Essentially, it’s anything hosted on your website that is authored by someone else.
Embedded content
Embedded content means external media or content placed into a website without directly uploading or hosting it. You do this by placing a block of code (known as an embed code) into the HTML editor of your website. When you save or publish the page, the embedded media shows on your website .
By using embeds, you add various types of content, such as videos, social media posts, maps, audio clips, and more. Here are a few key points about embedded content on websites:
Embedding videos from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting services is common. Instead of hosting the video files on your own website, you can simply embed the video player using the provided embed code.
Embedding interactive maps (e.g., Google Maps) lets users explore locations or find directions and is also common.
Embedding content like surveys, forms, interactive widgets, and more is also very common.