We're making a new tool to streamline how you write, sign, and manage your legal docs. We're looking for feedback and ideas to help build it.

Book a No Cost or Obligation Discovery Session. We’ll Give You $20 to Starbucks as a Thanks.






Under construction!

Start and save a document
Download document (Word + PDF)
Email document
Unlimited documents
Unlimited document revisions
Access to Lawyer Marketplace
Custom private document library
Guest users can complete parts of docs
AI insights Planning
AI clause generation Planning
Team collaboration on documents Planning
Sync with cloud storage (e.g, Google Drive) Planning
Customer-branded portal Planning


Book a (No Cost or Obligation) Discovery Session. We'll Give You $20 to Starbucks as a Thanks.

With the support of funding from Alberta Innovates (thanks!), we’re building something new. We’d love to talk about how you create and manage your legal documents and how we could automate that for you. We’ll use the ideas we get from businesses like you to make our new tool.

Please book a time if you’re:

A business with 2 or more team members
Have your own legal templates you like to use
Need to make new legal templates
Work with internal and external teams to finalize legal docs
Want to automate your processes